Loan Rates
EFFECTIVE: September 1, 2023
FULLY SHARE SECURED…………………………..2.50% APR
NEW VEHICLE LOANS (80%) Financing (100%)
Excluding Tags and Tax.
Maximum Loan $50,000.00
Rates as low as:*
Terms to 60 Months…….. 4.50%APR…………… 4.85%APR
Terms to 72 Months……..4.75%APR……………5.10%APR
USED VEHICLE LOANS (75%) Financing (100%)
Rates as low as:*
1 to 8 Model Years Old………..4.75%……………………5.75%
9 to 12 Model Years Old………6.00%…………..Not Available
Terms of Used Vehicle loans determined by age of vehicle
Financing based on N.A.D.A. Book Retail Value.
Terms to Three Years…………………………….8:00% APR
Terms to Four Years………………………………9:00% APR
Terms to Five Years………………………………10:00% APR
First Lien/ to 60 Months………………………….5.75% APR
First Lien/ to 120 Months…………………………6.95% APR
Second Lien/to 60 Months…………’……………7:00% APR
Second Lien/to 120 Months………………………7.70% APR
CREDIT CARDS ……………………………….9.90% APR
36 Month Term……………………………………….3.25% APR
HOLIDAY LOAN: Available from September 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023
18 Month Max. term………………………………..3.25% APR
Call for details.
*Individual credit history determines rates on: New and Used Vehicles and Signature Loans.
**All Rates are subject to change without notice upon approval of the Board of Directors.